Saturday, May 12, 2007


So, the misery that was finals season is over and I have now entered the next phase of my life: the one where I wake up feeling good, spend time doing things I enjoy, and am obnoxiously cheerful.

Yesterday after taking my con law exam, I walked through the Withers-Brown hallway standing up straighter, I think, than I have in months. "We Are the Champions" played in my head. I went to Scott Commons and hugged a lot of people. Then I went out to Chili's with Cathy, where I undoubtedly irritated other patrons with my too-loud, sleep-deprived babble, and downed more sugar than I have in a long time in the form of two Blackberry Lemonades. Next I went home and took a nap, which I haven't been able to do since... oh, sometime in September. Then I talked on the phone with James for four hours, made myself a grilled cheese sandwich, watched five episodes of the Real World, and slept the sleep of the dead.

This morning I awoke with two thoughts in my head. One, I haven't slept like that in ages. And two, it's a Saturday morning between April and October, and that means it's City Market time.

I am lucky enough to live about three blocks from the parking lot where City Market is staged. So I threw on some clothes, stopped by the Mudhouse for a quick espresso, and headed on over. I bought a basil plant to add to my windowsill herb garden, as well as a quart of locally-grown strawberries, a head of lettuce that smells better than I thought lettuce could smell, a baking-powder biscuit with country ham, a jar of habañero jelly, and a cinnamon-sugar cake donut that the vendor cooked right before my eyes. I also saw no fewer than five vendors selling fresh-from-the-farm eggs, as well as a couple selling chickens and pork butts out of the back of their van. The City Market is no less than a delight.

Now that con law is over, I kind of like it. Is that wrong? All credit to Erwin Chemerinsky, whose book not only taught me con law, but was really interesting. Not that I ever intend to take another con law class, mind you. There's way too much other stuff I want to take, and I only have two years left.

Oh! Yeah. I guess I'm a 2L now. Getting through 1L year was not the hardest thing I've ever done, but it was the most protracted hard thing I've ever done. Most of it was fun. I'm incredibly glad it's over.


Blogger Andrew said...

Glad to see a fellow Waiter Rant fan. I have been reading his blog for years. I kind of write in the same style as him. Anyways, just stopping in via the next blog button and wanted to say hello. I know you are glad finals are over.

Andrew in Alabama
The 4th Avenue Blues

5/12/07, 12:30 PM  
Blogger Lilith said...

congrats! conlaw was a bitch and a half for me and my friends...and we were doing the UNDERGRAD version!!! best of luck and enjoy the summer!

5/14/07, 11:34 AM  

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